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Unlike other student clubs in Curtin University Malaysia, our club leans more towards providing a space and plat¬form for the Curtin community to chill, relax, and destress from the packed schedules and tight assignment dead¬lines by enjoying Pokémon Go together with around 80 members. During this MCO period, our club didn't stop on organising activities between members. As the remote raid invitation was introduced into the game months ago, club members scattered around the place are able to invite other members to raid together instead of crying alone when there's no trainers nearby the gym. Not to mention out club's monthly PvP tournament between trainers which improvise trainers' pvp skills in order to prepare club members for the ultimate event of the year: Curtin Pokemon Cup (CPC)! The CPC will takes place in late November as most of the club members are finished with their final exams and are able to fully concentrate on preparing their team for it.

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